Our Organization

PIA was incorporated in 1979 (Ontario). In 1994, it acquired registered charitable organization status
from the federal government. In its early development, PIA’s multicultural and education
activities were supported by the Ontario Ministry of Citizenship. 


Our History

The Parkdale Intercultural Association (PIA), formerly Parkdale Intercultural Council (PIC) grew out of the outreach initiatives of the Parkdale Branch of the Toronto Public Library (‘70s), under the leadership of Branch head, Rita Cox. These initiatives included the Community Information Centre and Project Read, an adult literacy programme. PIA has since emerged from the library and is housed in two locations on Queen Street West encompassing 12000 square feet and providing services in 14 different languages with more than 30 staff members working to serve the community’s needs.

The establishment of PIA was a response to the identified and expressed needs of new immigrant groups. Through partnerships with the library and other organizations PIA developed programs which were designed to respond to issues and challenges such as need for information and community education including police-community relations, race relations, multiculturalism, strengthening leadership and organizational development, human rights, minority women’s concerns; community building, and other barriers to information and services.

Board of Directors
Brian MacLean
Mohamed Tabit
Peter Razgaitis
Pha Nguyen
Judge Rita Cox
Tenzin Sangpo
Ky Nguyen
Melanie Canlas

Our Mission:

We  will provide settlement programs and services to new immigrants and refugees and engage in community development to nurture a healthy, equitable and sustainable community that builds on the rich diversity of Parkdale.

Our Vision:

We will harness our knowledge and energy to make our community a better place for life, health and growth.

Our Values:

  • Respect

We demonstrate fairness, consistency and compassion in our interactions with our clients and others.

  • Leadership

We foster leadership at all levels.  We encourage innovation and promote excellence through continuous learning and expanding knowledge and development.

  • Integrity

We conduct ourselves at all times in a professional and ethical manner.  Honesty, openness and transparency are the basis on which we conduct our business.

  • Trust

We are trustworthy, reliable and accountable for our actions.